Giovanni Testori

The Association

Founded in 1998 on the initiative of Giuseppe Frangi, the Giovanni Testori ETS Association, protects and enhances the work of the writer and the Testori Archive notified by the Superintendence as a property of historical interest.

In its varied activity can count on personalities from the world of criticism, literature and theatre such as Giovanni Agosti, Andrée Ruth Shammah, Luca Doninelli and Sandro Lombardi. The Association has to his credit numerous exhibitions and publications, as the cycle of exhibitions “Testori a…”, the Biografia per immagini and the Bibliografia completa of the writer. The Association makes work of cultural dissemination and assistance to scholars and doctoral students.


In 2018 the Testori Association celebrated the arrival, between the walls of the House of Novate, the great Library of Giovanni Testori: over 16 thousand art volumes, monographs of the ‘8 and ‘900, books on Lombard art, but also some nuclei unpredictable dedicated to South American or African artifacts.


On this occasion, the Association also acquired a core of over 100 works by Giovanni Testori, including paintings and drawings, which allow to present the entire pictorial path, from the Forties to the Nineties.


These are important steps, to which a third and perhaps more important news: the acquisition of copyright of Giovanni Testori, with whom the Association manages publications and stagings of Testori.


Thanks to the work of the Association have been made possible new productions of great importance both in Milan and around Italy. Just remember La Monaca di Monza with Federica Fracassi and directed by Valter Malosti, or I Promessi sposi alla prova directed by Andrée Ruth Shammah with Luca Lazzareschi and Laura Marinoni. The their tour also two shows that debuted with great success at the Festival del Teatro di Napoli: In Exitu with Roberto Latini (Company production Lombardi Tiezzi) and Erodiade with Imma Villa (production company Luca De Filippo).


The work of republishing textorial works in collaboration with Feltrinelli also continues: In Exitu, not found until a few months ago, returns with an introduction signed by Sonia Bergamasco and La Maria Brasca is now introduced from the words of Gad Lerner


The Association was established to protect and enhance the Testori Fund notified by the Superintendency. 



The Association is engaged on a daily basis in: 

  1. Organising events, exhibitions and conferences. 
  2. Making accessible Testorian writings that are not readily available and documentary and bibliographical materials. 
  3. Updating the website. Helping university students, PhD students and scholars.
  4. Regularly inform their contacts of news from the Testorian world through the newsletter.
  5. Moderating discussions on thematic blogs. 

Support the Giovanni Testori Association to enable scholars and enthusiasts to continue their research work. 


Thank you for your support! 


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