The House
It occupies the house where Giovanni Testori was born, a two-storey early 20th century villa with an internal garden. Casa Testori is a free exhibition space with a particular experimental vocation, which has become an institutional point of reference in Milan for the emergence of young artistic production, presented not only through its doors, but thanks to public initiatives conceived and curated for municipalities and regions. Casa Testori is today presided over by Carlo Maria Pinardi.

Casa Testori in Novate Milanese overlooks the tracks of the Ferrovie Nord railway alongside the family factory. It has no front garden to isolate it from the world: the entrance opens directly onto the street. The house where Giovanni Testori was born has an open door to the city. Sober and rigorous as is appropriate for a house of small Lombard industrialists in the early 1900s, Casa Testori has a flicker of imagination in the living room and veranda built in the 1930s.

The more than 20 rooms divided on two floors and connected by a central staircase are between a red-brick vaulted cellar and an evocative attic. The garden is at the back, with its large magnolia, its roses and its opening – less poetic but more practical and Lombard – towards the Testori factory. Not “Villa” Testori, then, but Casa Testori.
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